Sunday, December 27, 2009

Holiday Celebrations

I am so blessed to have been able to share the birth of our Savior with my little family! We didn't have many presents under our tree, on purpose, because we just wanted to enjoy the gifts that we have already received by being part of the family of such an awesome God. I did have fun watching Chase rip into the presents from his grandparents, of course, but the most amazing gift was that of SNOW on Christmas eve/day!!!

Chase was way to busy LOOKING at the snow to smile for the camera, but I got some good action shots nonetheless. :) (side note: Mommy should have put on some makeup too!)

In the days before Christ's birthday, we went to Northpark to see trains, and had lots of playtime with cousin Allison. We also did lots of window shopping, which he really wasn't that into-good thing they had play areas at the malls! Chase was invited to Gaylord ICE with nana too, what a great grandmother to have! Our small group was able to bless a family with Christmas gifts from the KLTY Christmas Wish too! Complete with some amazing temps outside in the days before Christmas, we couldn't have asked for a better holiday season--being able to enjoy and savor all that Christ is, and what an unbelievable Creator we serve, is truly the best gift mommy could have asked for this year.

Chase and his cool train hat (with nana) at Northpark Mall's huge train show...he's saying "ChooChoo" over and over. :)

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